In defence, abello offers high value-added support for customers who suffer a counterfeit seizure or a surprise finding on their premises, and has pushed innovation to the point of creating a dedicated and innovative Smartphone application “SOS Saisies” centred on 4 essential pillars:
- PREPARE: train in advance the personnel exposed in the company and organize internally to be ready to react
- REACT : emergency advice gathered in a checklist to be checked off, intended for the personnel concerned (reception, internal referent, dedicated team)
- WHAT TO DO / AVOID : recommendations on how to behave towards the bailiff and the pitfalls to avoid
- FINALIZE: a checklist to be ticked at the end of the operations and foresee potential recourses
Download the app
Upon request, abello determines the best evidence-gathering strategy for the counterfeit seizure for the purposes of the infringement action, and coordinates all operations from start to finish, from the application for judicial authorisation, the interventions of bailiffs and experts, to the analysis of the results with a view to a summons.
The Firm is also the author of the reference work “Guide des Saisies-contrefaçons et des Constats de 2016” published by Lexis Nexis.