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Home / Lawyers & Engineers / Jean-Baptiste THIBAUD

Jean-Baptiste THIBAUD

Lawyer- European Patent Attorney Head of Patent Department

Jean-Baptiste THIBAUD has worked as a Patent Attorney, and in the Industry for the Interllectual Property Department of ALCATEL-LUCENT, especially in optical technologies and networks.

He joined abello in 2010 as Director of the Patent Department, responsible for filing and prosecution of patents, both in France and abroad, including proceedings before international organizations such as EPO and WIPO.

Educational training

Jean-Baptiste THIBAUD has a double major in science and law:

  • Engineer of the Ecole Centrale Paris (1995) and PhD in energy (2000)
  • Graduated of the International Studies Center of Intellectual Property in Strasbourg (2002)
  • Jean-Baptiste THIBAUD used to teach patent law at the Ecole Centrale Paris.
  • He is a tutor for EPI-CEIPI’s training for preparing the European Qualification Exam.
  • He is a member of main specialised professional bodies in Intellectual Property (EPI, APEB, AIPPI).
  • French
  • English
  • German

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